For whom …?

Since I have lived in different places, cities, countries on three continents and worked with people of all walks of life my social contacts were always as fascinating, diverse and colourful as the human species is.

Therefore, I have no idea how to define my audience in any way! I am open to sharing gladly with whoever is visiting my website and blog. 

However - there might be topics which have more meaning for a special group of readers. And that is what the categories are for. They should assist in navigating through my posts. 

But why shouldn't a man have interest in the aspects of the New Femininity … or a younger reader in the Afternoon of Life? Expats´ posts can be interesting for expats and those who consider becoming one or know one. Love, Life & Circumstances we all have in common even if my posts might be written by an expat in her afternoon of life…

Heroines, Heroes & Recommendations … that´s simple – just be curious who has inspired me on my way.


Please feel very welcomed and free whoever you are and wherever you want to browse here on Becx!

As always,

Posted in

Becx Basics

Love, Life

& Circumstances

Afternoon of Life

The New Feminine

Expat in

 South Africa

Heroines, Heroes &

