Why Becx?


Two reasons….


It was time to also have a personal website out there in the world and not only my professional alter ego, Rebecca Bellin-Sonnenburg. I realised, specifically during the pandemic, there are so many kindred spirits I would love to communicate with but don't reach so far. And since books are no longer the common way of expressing one’s ideas and insights … Becx was born!


Already in my first book about the Princess who urgently should become the Queen I wrote about the phenomenon of surfing into the 50 plus.... and in my case meanwhile into the 60 plus…. and the adventure of ageing as the first generation who has no longer role models for this stage of life. As a pioneer in this evolutionary quest - a pioneer with writing skills - I wanted to continue my logbook of personal growth in later years because it is of importance to add all the positive aspects and insights this period of our lives offers – not only for fellow pioneers but also for younger generations to follow. In a mainstream culture of eternal youth, the image of ageing is quite gruesome. I am convinced we should and can experience our later years as the most meaningful stage of our life!


Let’s live and enjoy the freedom and the wisdom of the afternoon of life!

Wie immer,

Posted in

Becx Basics

Love, Life

& Circumstances

Nachmittag Des Lebens

The New Feminine

Expat in

 South Africa

Heroines, Heroes &

