Meet Theodore…

This seems a good time to introduce Theodore - called Teddy.

Since everybody needs a coach or therapist from time to time, I have made him my favorite shrink.        

He is my INSPIRATOR and as such


my co-blogger.

Teddy is meanwhile nearly ten years old, which means in dog’s years he’s in his early 50ies.

Never moody, he is an ambassador for the bright side of life. He is very sensitive with a 100% sense of always the perfect point in time.

Just a little gentleman in a black fur coat with a love for people, innovative games and lots of snuggling and cuddles. He is funny, clever, and very loyal towards me and his toys. A real artist of life!

Our love for each other runs deep since his wee days.



Who is your INSPIRATOR?

Wie immer,

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Becx Basics

Love, Life

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Nachmittag Des Lebens

The New Feminine

Expat in

 South Africa

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